Our Services

We offer a wide variety of services to fit all of your HV/AC and back-up power residential or commercial needs. We are universally certified to do any contracting work, and that’s how we are able to offer so many different services for our customers.

Get the job done right..The first time


HV/AC Installation/Repair/Cleaning/Insulation

  • We offer everything under the sun for HV/AC residential or commercial. We primarily sale Arctic Planet Condensing Units. They are (in our opinion) the best on the market. They are extremely energy efficient for our customers and they find their light bills going down significantly after they are installed.

  • We also repair, clean, and do yearly maintenance on any other brand of units (commercial or residential). For yearly maintenance or cleaning, please call during March, April, and May to schedule an appointment. This is the best time of year to get this done (we also offer discounts sometimes for these services).

  • For all repairs on your home’s air-conditioner, please call to get a professional estimate. We will have a technician come out and check your unit to give you an accurate estimate on the fix for your home.

  • We also offer blown-in insulation for your home. This helps to greatly reduce the cost in electricity to your home by keeping in the heat or cool that you need in your home.


Back-up Power Installation/Repair/MAINTENANCE

The back-up power that you and your family need for your home during those unexpected power-outages. We offer diesel powered generators to our customers because they last longer in an outage compared to natural gas, propane, or butane.

  • Perfect for nursing homes, hospitals, or residential homes that are powering needed equipment for disabled people.

  • For any repairs to a generator, please call to get a professional estimate. We will have a technician come out and check your generator to give you an accurate estimated fix for your back-up power needs.

  • Any time you hire us to install a generator for you, we always pour a concrete slab for your generator to sit on. This is to prevent damage over years of yard sinkage , and grass growing into the generator.

  • Maintenance on your generator is as easy as a call! We will do all the maintenance that your generator requires for the year.


Trench Digging

Need a gas, water, or electric line trench dug? You’re looking at just the people for the job! We also offer to lay down electrical, or gas line in cases of generator installations.

  • When you purchase a generator, we include the trenching and electrical done in the estimate for the generator installation.

  • We can run electrical for new homes or businesses that need trenching done to reduce the clutter of wire around the surrounding area.

  • We also do trenching for redistributing water in cases where homeowners or business owners yards constantly get flooded during rains. This has helped many of our customers to not have to deal with the hassle of their property constantly getting drenched during the rainy seasons.

  • For estimates for any of these needs, please feel free to give us a call!